
Saturday, March 23, 2013


There are many articles out there about where certain types of people fit into different circles of closeness as far as friends go.  Some of them are quite simple.  Others are quite complicated.  The problem with many of them is they don't take into account the number one place people say they have friends.  The internet.  With Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google+, and every other social network out there, some people can claim that they have over 5000 friends, yet they've only met a handfull of those people.

So, I'm going to attempt to simplify where friends fall to include internet friends.  And to ensure that everyone knows where friends fall on this list, I'm going to give an example of how you may interact with them.
Level 1: Those dudes/dudettes - Skipping completely unknown people and those people you just don't like (both of which would be level 0), Level 1 friends are people you have met, whether in person or on the internet, that unless their name is right in front of you, you can't even seem to remember them.  Half the time, you can't remember how you met them or where you know them from.  You just have some vague memory of their existence and if someone asks if you know them, you think for a minute and usually respond with "yeah...I know them...they're cool" or something to the like.

These 'friends' shouldn't really be called friends.  They are acquaintances.  People you just know.  You don't actively try to do anything with them, and if you casually meet them somewhere sometimes you get the feeling that you know them from somewhere.  If it manages to click, you will retell all the same stories you told the first time you met and each one will click, but the next time you meet, you'll go over the same process, maybe with a few more stories added to catch up to date.  On the internet, you occasionally comment on their post if it's interesting or you can think of something funny, but there is rarely a time when you tag them in a post.  They do the same with you.  It's not that you wouldn't be cool together, but maybe there just isn't a spot higher in the chain where you can keep track of them.  Also, anyone that is famous on the internet, this is where you fall to them.  You are simply there.  You can have almost an infinite number of these types of friends.
Level 2: My buddies - Next up are people you know a bit of.  You probably have had a few conversations with them, whether in person or on the internet, but they aren't really more than just a person that you have similar interests to.  You may invite them to something if you are planning something big, or tag them in a post if it's something that sparks a memory of them, but overall you don't hang out with them on a regular basis.  If you seem them around, you will spark up a conversation, catch up with them, and then go about your business.  The reason why you keep them up higher in the chain from Level 1 is they may have something you want, whether it's a skill or item.  However, if you don't need anything from them, they can quite easily fall back to Level 1.  Of the people you know, there are probably under 100 like this.
Level 3: My friends - This is where we really get into the term friend at it's core.  Those at Level 3 you will casually talk to whenever the mood strikes or whenever you see them.  You have some inside jokes, you hang out whenever possible, but there is still a small wall where everything must go through some proper channels.  They still call to ask to come over, or they feel the need to reward you (or you with them) if any sort of special favors are exchanged.  You remember to tag them in most posts that are relevant, and they are quick to respond.  Some secrets are shared, but for the most part you continue to keep little things you don't want passed around for the world to know secret from them.  The trust hasn't fully come yet.  Most people have under 40 of these, but it can reach about 60 or 70.
Level 4: My close friends - That little inner circle that just shows up at your place and makes themselves at home.  The ones that bring you stuff and don't expect anything in return.  Those few people that will bend over backwards to help you move, or will spend an entire night with you watching movies because you just don't want to be alone.  These are the friends that you share just about everything with, and you tease each other back and forth in light-hearted fun.  Every chance you get, you are with them, and it doesn't matter if you are going out, staying in, or just talking on the internet for hours.  All of it is fun, and every time some new memory is made that you cherish.  You have forgotten more inside jokes with them than you remember, and whenever you are around them in public having a good time, you occasionally get stares from some of the random stuff you do together.  But it's okay...they are only jealous of how close you guys are.  Most people have under 10, though I do know a few people that get up there towards 20.
Level 5: My best friend - One person...maybe two at most. If you could be together all the time, you would.  Hell, if you could find a person to marry just like them you would (and depending on how you swing, you probably want to with this person).  It's almost like you think on the same wavelength. Finishing each other's sentences, being able to know what the person is thinking with very minimal description.  You could probably be one mind if it weren't for that pesky skull in the way.  This person is the one you call brother or sister, even if they aren't by blood.  Some call them soul mate.  Some call them the other half of you.  But you would be content if you could just be together having fun all the time.
Level 6: THE ONE - Much like the best friend, this person is so much like you that conversation isn't even needed.  A small motion with the face and a grunt of a certain tone is enough to compose an entire opera of words that portray what you want to say.  And to's really creepy how alike you are.  It's not like two separate beings with similar's almost as though you were perfect clones of each other.  Fusing with them would only create the same person.  If you had actual telepathy, you could be in two places at once.  Not everyone has one of fact, most people don't have one.  Why?  Because those slight differences in us makes it very hard to find a person exactly like us in every way.

I know some readers on my friends list/twitter feed are going to read this and start placing themselves on the list.  Well, most of you fall under Level 3.  After my internet reset back in January, I officially did out with everyone below that.  I am already starting to gain a few Level 2s back through other channels, but mainly because I've never met them in real life, only through a specific meetup group's page (you know who you are).  Unfortunately, all of my Level 3s and higher live so far away I can't get to them whenever I want.  It makes me sort of lonely.  But at least I have the internet in which to talk to them through.

I hope this makes sense more-so than other friend-circle-explanation-thingies.  The question is, do you know where all those people on your friends lists place on here?  Do you have Level 5s?  Do you have a Level 6?  If so...what is it like?  I can only describe it from an outside perspective.

1 comment:

  1. I'm either the 4 or 5 level.

    6 would be kinda creepy.

    Arrrrgg. We were trying to get some free tickets to GDC this year, but didn't snag them.
    Havoc ran out, and we couldn't go. Just bossman is going

    Was planning on visiting for a couple days, and see around San Fran. We could have hit up some fun spots.

    Ahh wells... :(

    There has been mild thoughts in my head lately of getting my business up to a point where I can live off of it, and move to Japan for a year or two.
    Thought, man Waldo would love that shit.

    Perhaps one day on that one.
