I went to the mall a couple of days ago, and wandered around with some acquaintances of mine. Nothing really significant happened, except one little thing that got me thinking.
One of the guys in our group noticed a couple of people outside of our group laughing at us, and also a girl outside of our group taking a picture of us.
Perhaps I should explain why. If you haven't gathered so far from previous blog posts, I'm a brony. For those not in the know, it's a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Whether you agree with my choice to watch it or not, that's your prerogative and I don't feel like going too deep into it in this post. The people I was hanging around with, also bronies, and from the general attire we all were wearing that day, it was pretty easy to tell that we were a herd of bronies. (Yeah...I made that pun.)
Anyways, after that guy pointed it out, I went on high alert for further incidents of it. While there were the occasional stares at us as we walked by, I rarely noticed any laughing or pointing, which was good. Some people actually smiled at us with a genuine greeting. I was happy to see that there were not too many people out there that wanted to start something.
And by start something, I have to bring up a few other situations that have happened in my life. Along with being a brony, I'm a raging geek, nerd, otaku...I'm quirky in many ways. I can't really explain every way, but understand that I have more than one thing out there that makes me smile uncontrollably, and quite a few eccentricities in the way I act. This has in the past, caused more than one problem, most notably with confrontation. I've had a few times where certain people have seen my overly happy demeanor as a sign that I'm a pushover, or even a fun little (well, not really little) target for attempts of bullying and humiliation.
This was what I was mainly afraid of as we continued through the mall. That some teenager or young adult was going to see a group of obvious geeks and attempt to take advantage of the situation to either harass or even physically test us. And I wasn't going to have it.
People know I'm not one to take any form of harassment lightly, usually getting quite angry and even physical myself. It's not that I want to fight, but I learned at a younger age that running from a problem doesn't solve it, and can usually bring that problem back. I prefer to confront any and all problems head on. I may not win, but I will show that I'm willing to give that problem a run for it's money and make it second guess itself next time it wants to try something.
So for the next couple of hours, I constantly was watching for any sign of trouble that may be heading our way. Luckily, no incidents. The herd was oblivious to my watch standing, and we ended up having a great time.
But those people...those couple of people that made my one friend uncomfortable even for just a moment...especially the girl that took our picture...they are the kinds of people that need to understand something.
The reason why we have so many conflicts in life is because of people not allowing other people to be themselves. Our group wasn't harming anyone. We were just roaming the mall enjoying the day and each other's company. We weren't blaring music, singing loudly all over the mall. We weren't dancing like crazed idiots. We were walking, and had our attire been different, you never would have known we were bronies. But because they knew that fact, suddenly we were a focal point for ridicule.
And that's why I don't go to the mall very often if I can avoid it. Yup...that's the point of this rant. Malls suck. Yay for a point. Oh, and a question. Have you ever noticed someone ridiculing you behind your back because of something you were/are that's different from what some would call 'normal'? What did you do about it? Run or fight? I like hearing those kinds of stories.
Also, I'm thinking about starting another page. This one would not be updated nearly as regularly, but it would be a more idea driven blog. Someplace where I can upload pictures I've done, lyrical work, animations, etc etc. I don't know how often it would be, and there is going to be a LOT of random crap most people aren't going to understand. But if there is an interest, I'll start it up.
One of the guys in our group noticed a couple of people outside of our group laughing at us, and also a girl outside of our group taking a picture of us.
Perhaps I should explain why. If you haven't gathered so far from previous blog posts, I'm a brony. For those not in the know, it's a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Whether you agree with my choice to watch it or not, that's your prerogative and I don't feel like going too deep into it in this post. The people I was hanging around with, also bronies, and from the general attire we all were wearing that day, it was pretty easy to tell that we were a herd of bronies. (Yeah...I made that pun.)
Anyways, after that guy pointed it out, I went on high alert for further incidents of it. While there were the occasional stares at us as we walked by, I rarely noticed any laughing or pointing, which was good. Some people actually smiled at us with a genuine greeting. I was happy to see that there were not too many people out there that wanted to start something.
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I'm all of these...and more. A lot more |
This was what I was mainly afraid of as we continued through the mall. That some teenager or young adult was going to see a group of obvious geeks and attempt to take advantage of the situation to either harass or even physically test us. And I wasn't going to have it.
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I've been in a few fights that started with this same look. |
So for the next couple of hours, I constantly was watching for any sign of trouble that may be heading our way. Luckily, no incidents. The herd was oblivious to my watch standing, and we ended up having a great time.
But those people...those couple of people that made my one friend uncomfortable even for just a moment...especially the girl that took our picture...they are the kinds of people that need to understand something.
The reason why we have so many conflicts in life is because of people not allowing other people to be themselves. Our group wasn't harming anyone. We were just roaming the mall enjoying the day and each other's company. We weren't blaring music, singing loudly all over the mall. We weren't dancing like crazed idiots. We were walking, and had our attire been different, you never would have known we were bronies. But because they knew that fact, suddenly we were a focal point for ridicule.
And that's why I don't go to the mall very often if I can avoid it. Yup...that's the point of this rant. Malls suck. Yay for a point. Oh, and a question. Have you ever noticed someone ridiculing you behind your back because of something you were/are that's different from what some would call 'normal'? What did you do about it? Run or fight? I like hearing those kinds of stories.
Also, I'm thinking about starting another page. This one would not be updated nearly as regularly, but it would be a more idea driven blog. Someplace where I can upload pictures I've done, lyrical work, animations, etc etc. I don't know how often it would be, and there is going to be a LOT of random crap most people aren't going to understand. But if there is an interest, I'll start it up.
You know what? I have had this problem throughout my life, hell I still do and it simply has to do with my existence.
ReplyDeleteNot everywhere and not everyday, but often enough I hear people whisper and point at me, no matter how I present myself that day.
I have learned that at this point it is just safer to keep a guard up and walk away when needed. Getting in a fight is pointless because of a few reasons, one I can't fight. Two, I am easily winded so fighting would just wear me out. Lastly it doesn't solve anything. Fighting, even if I was in the right tends to get me in trouble, and unless I have a friend with me to witness things every time I have got in a fight they will say that I attacked unprovoked.
I have a record of this, where people would mess with me till the breaking point and when I lash out they are saved from punishment and I wind up in trouble. As a kid that meant the office and then sent home, as an adult I am scared of the thought of jail so I just run away when its possible.
So TL;DR Its easier to just run away in my opinion.