No, I'm not going to talk about the show again. I finished watching all four seasons a while ago. However, I recently did over hear a conversation at work the other day. A couple of girls were talking about music, specifically the singers/musicians they like. I don't want to go over the entire conversation, but from what I overheard, they idolized and basically worshipped the ground that
Nicki Minaj,
Justin Beiber, and
One Direction walked on. Many of you can already see why this sparked some confusion in me.
Now, I'm not going to say that those groups are terrible (as much as I want to), but I've never been able to understand the newer generation of pop music. Much of it seems to be uninspired, mathematically-written-to-be-catchy songs sung by people that are either very good looking with adequate skill in singing, or people that have sold their soul and know how to use auto-tune. But, who am I to judge. Music is a personal choice just like wine, pizza, and television.

What I am going to say is "Why choose them as a hero?" At the peak of their popularity, singers/actors have the highest probable chance of doing something so wrong that you'll become distraught with sadness that you even idolized them. Look at my favorite example of corruption, Lindsay Lohan. Child star for Disney, was idolized by many 8-14 year old girls at the peak of her popularity. Starts snorting coke and drinking, gets arrested, confined to her house, etc etc. If those little girls had foresight, they never would have idolized Lindsay. And I doubt anyone is ever again.
What I'm trying to say is pick a hero AFTER they have been extremely popular, or better yet, don't pick a hero in the spotlight. Heroes can fall, and that's okay, but it's how they pick themselves back up. My personal hero is my grandfather. He built himself from a poor bagging clerk at a grocery store to being a department head of the chain, which is pretty big. I would love to be given the opportunity to work myself up the ladder as he did.
This all holds true until we actually start getting real super heroes on Earth. |
Short rant today, but I want to know who your hero is and why. It should be good to see who you've chosen.
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