
Thursday, February 28, 2013

T3h G00gl3

Okay...this is probably going to be the most rantiest of my rants so far, but it needs to be said.'s a thing.  Start using it.

Way too many times I've seen on the internet where people have asked a question that is easily answered by typing it into Google, and it can be asked 1000 different ways and you will still get the same answer, possibly several answers if applicable.

For instance, I see way too many times when a YouTube video has a song, namely one with lyrics that are audible and discernable, and the comment box is being flooded by the question "What's the song at <blah> time?"

Like...really really?
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
...GOOGLE IT DAMMIT!  If you don't know the name of the song or the artist, first check the comment box.  Is it there?  No?  Then look for a credits in the video.  Is it there?  No?  Then take an excerpt of lyrics (say for instance "I see a little silhouette of a man" and odds are one of the first links that comes up will be another YouTube video of that song.

Trying to find something out about a program, type the question into Google and you will most likely find 10...100...1000 tutorials on it, sometimes in several programs and skill levels.

Need to know where to find some sort of obscure item from your favorite TV show or movie?  GUESS F***ING WHAT!!!  GOOGLE KNOWS ALL!

Just from you reading this page, I already know that you have access to Google.  So seriously people, stop being lazy, oxygen hogging mouth-breathers and start using the simple tools given to you.  Every time I see a question that is easily answered by Google, I facepalm so hard I'm surprised I don't knock myself out.

If you can't find an answer after 5 or 6 searches, or about an hour or two, or if your question is for an opinion on something (such as "Hey I drew this picture...what do you think?") then it's a valid public forum question and you can feel free to ask it.  But if the first search I do pops up with 1000 hits that all answer the question in the same way, then you never should have asked the question in the first place.

Seriously folks...a little bit of research is not only good for everyone around you, but you also gain a sense of accomplishment from finding the answers yourself.

I can't be just me that gets aggravated by this.  Do people asking you dumb questions on the internet irritate you?  Maybe you're one of the people that justs asks these kind of questions, and if so, why do you do it?  I'd love some incite on that because I'm personally at a loss.

Also, yes...I did do those screenshots solely for the purpose of these posts.  Go anything on Google...if it exists, you'll find it.


  1. Replies
    1. It needed to be said. Worst part is this won't reach the people that it needs to.
